Thursday, January 31, 2013


Censorship? No thanks. Did they censor Fifty Shades of Gray? No. Why censor The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?? There's my argument. 

Think about it, the book was written in the 1800's. When slavery was happening, and people said "nigger" all the time.I think most, if not ALL high school students know what it means, and I agree that it is sometimes hurtful to say directly to and African-American person. But, AGAIN, this book was written over 120 years ago. It's stupid to go change one of the most well known pieces of American literature.

Another argument is that in the article, they say that it might be the first time someone has learned of slavery, and they don't want to use the n-word to present that. If you're in high school, you should know what slavery is. I started learning about it in second grade..... That's seven years ago. I do think it is appropriate for high school student to read this novel WITHOUT it being censored. But, that's my opinion, many other people probably disagree with me 100%. Good for you.... :)


  1. This is so true. I think that if they can '50 Shades of Grey' in public and school libraries, then they should have the n-word in one book :)

  2. This seriously true! I don't understand how they could shoo away something like Huckleberry Finn that actually has a lesson to it, when other books like 'Fifty Shades of Grey' contains sexual content, which kids will obviously get to read since it isn't banned! Where is the lesson in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' at?
